In this episode, we listen to an effective consolation, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Kurunthogai 143, penned by Madurai Kanakkaayanaar Makanaar Nakkeeranaar. Set in the mountains of ‘Kurinji’, the verse speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, conveying words of positivity about the man’s return.

In this episode, we perceive the poignant feelings in a man, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Kurunthogai 142, penned by Kabilar. The verse is situated in the hills of ‘Kurinji’ and speaks in the voice of the man to his heart, expressing his angst in parting with his lady after their union.

In this episode, we perceive scenes from the mountain country echoing fears within, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Kurunthogai 141, penned by Madurai Perunkollanaar. Set in the hills of ‘Kurinji’, the verse speaks in the voice of the lady to the confidante, passing on a message to the man, listening nearby.

In this episode, we perceive a distinctive technique of registering dissent, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Kurunthogai 140, penned by Alloor Nanmullaiyaar. Set in the drylands of ‘Paalai’, the verse speaks in the voice of the lady to the confidante, in response to her friend’s comment about bearing with the man’s separation.

In this episode, we perceive the projection of human concerns on other life around, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Kurunthogai 139, penned by Okkoor Maasaathiyaar. The verse is situated in the agricultural regions of ‘Marutham’ and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the man, refusing him entry to the lady’s house.

In this episode, we relish references to nature stitched seamlessly into this song on relationships, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Kurunthogai 138, penned by Kollan Azhisi. Set in the mountains of ‘Kurinji’, the verse speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, passing on a hidden message to the man, listening nearby.

In this episode, we perceive a unique way of allaying anxiety about separation, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Kurunthogai 137, penned by Paalai Paadiya Perunkadunko. The verse is situated in the drylands of ‘Paalai’ and speaks in the voice of the man to the lady, in response to her fears about his parting away.

In this episode, we perceive the natural correlation between animal and human life, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Kurunthogai 136, penned by Milai Perunkanthanaar. Set in the mountains of ‘Kurinji’, the verse speaks in the voice of the man to his friend, detailing the misunderstood nature of love.

In this episode, we perceive the priorities in the life of men and women, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Kurunthogai 135, penned by Paalai Paadiya Perunkadunko. Set in the drylands of ‘Paalai’, the verse speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, in response to the lady’s fear that the man was preparing to part away.

In this episode, we look at the spread of the land in a mountain country and see the lady’s emotions there, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Kurunthogai 134, penned by Kovengai Perunkathavanaar. The verse is situated in the hills of ‘Kurinji’ and speaks in the voice of the lady to her confidante, expressing her yearning for the man’s return.

In this episode, we observe how a mountain farmer’s field speaks the hope in a lady’s heart, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Kurunthogai 133, penned by Uraiyoor Muthukannan Saathanaar. Set in the mountains of ‘Kurinji’, the verse speaks in the voice of the lady to her confidante, as the man delays seeking her hand in marriage.

In this episode, we listen to a description of a beloved in the words of a heart in love, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Kurunthogai 132, penned by Sirakudi Aanthaiyaar. The verse is situated in the hills of ‘Kurinji’ and speaks in the voice of the man to his friend, in response to the friend’s words chiding the man for his unstable behaviour after falling in love.

In this episode, we perceive how a simile from a farming field prints tracks of the heart, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Kurunthogai 131, penned by Or Er Uzhavanaar. Set in the drylands of ‘Paalai’, the verse speaks in the voice of the man to his heart, as his mission ends and his promised season of return approaches.

In this episode, we perceive a persuasive argument to pacify an anxious heart, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Kurunthogai 130, penned by Velli Veethiyaar. Set in the drylands of ‘Paalai’, the verse speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, allaying her anxiety about the man, who had parted away.

In this episode, we listen to the beat of a passionate heart, as echoed by Sangam Literary work, Kurunthogai 129, penned by Koperunchozhan, a poet-king. The verse is situated in the hills of ‘Kurinji’ and speaks in the voice of the man to his friend, explaining the reason for the recent changes in him.

In this episode, we relish a precise simile from the natural world that pinpoints to the emotions within, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Kurunthogai 128, penned by Paranar. Set in the coastal regions of ‘Neythal’, the verse speaks in the voice of the man to his heart, expressing his dejection at being unable to meet his lady at the trysting spot.

In this episode, we take in a scene from the fields of a farming town and perceive the consequences of a lie, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Kurunthogai 127, penned by Orambokiyaar. The verse is situated in the agricultural regions of ‘Marutham’ and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the man, in response to the words of the singer, sent as a messenger by the man to allay the anger of his lady.

In this episode, we observe the projection of inner angst on the outer world, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Kurunthogai 126, penned by Okkoor Maasaathiyaar. Set in the forest regions of ‘Mullai’, the verse speaks in the voice of the lady to her confidante, conveying her pain as the man remains parted away.

In this episode, we hear the echo of the heart in an image from nature, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Kurunthogai 125, penned by Ammoovanaar. Set in the coastal regions of ‘Neythal’, the verse speaks in the voice of the lady to the confidante, passing on a hidden message to the man, listening nearby.

In this episode, we perceive the sound reasoning in a pertinent question, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Kurunthogai 124, penned by Paalai Paadiya Perunkadunko. The verse is situated in the drylands of ‘Paalai’ and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the man, as he prepares to part away from the lady.