In this episode, we relish the rich imagery from the fragrant hills of ancient times, as portrayed in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 176, penned by an anonymous poet. Set in the mountain country of ‘Kurinji’ the verse speaks in the voice of a courtesan to her friend, the dancer, passing on a hidden message of warning to the friends of the lady’s confidante, who are listening nearby.

In this episode, we perceive scenes from a coastal land that sketch for us, the intricacies of inner life, as portrayed in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 175, written by an anonymous poet. The verse is set in the coastal regions of ‘Neythal’ and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, nudging the man listening nearby, to seek the lady’s hand in marriage.

In this episode, we perceive the emotions of a lady in distress, as portrayed in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 174, written by an anonymous poet. Set in the drylands of ‘Paalai’ landscape, the poem speaks in the voice of the lady to her confidante, responding to the question about her inexplicable sadness.

In this episode, we learn about cultural and religious notions, as portrayed in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 173, penned by an anonymous poet. The verse is set in the mountain country of ‘Kurinji’ and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, conveying a hidden message to the man listening nearby.

In this episode, we dwell on the exquisite feeling of kinship extended to a tree, as portrayed in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 172, penned by an anonymous poet. Set in the coastal regions of ‘Neythal’, the verse speaks in the voice of the confidante to the man, refusing him a tryst by day with the lady and nudging him to seek the lady’s hand in marriage.

In this episode, we marvel at the nuanced instances from life used to portray the pain in parting, as depicted in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 171, penned by an anonymous poet. The verse is set in the ‘Paalai’ landscape of drylands and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, conveying to her the message about the man’s parting away.

In this episode, we learn about a moment in history through the poetic device of a simile, as depicted in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 170, penned by an anonymous poet. Set in ‘Marutham’ or the agricultural lands, the verse speaks in the voice of the confidante to her friends, refusing entry to a danseuse to a festival being held at home.

In this episode, we perceive the yearning in the heart of a man returning home, as portrayed in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 169, penned by an anonymous poet. The verse is set in the forest country of ‘Mullai’ and speaks in the voice of the man to his heart, on completing a far-away mission, as his thoughts turn homeward.

In this episode, we relish the sensuous details of life in the mountains, as portrayed in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 168, written by an anonymous poet. Set in the lush hill country of ‘Kurinji’, the verse speaks in the voice of the confidante to the man, chiding him subtly for not seeking a formal union with the lady.

In this episode, we perceive nature and history revealing the inner landscape, as depicted in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 167, penned by an anonymous poet. The verse is set in the coastal regions of ‘Neythal’ and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the singer-messenger, refusing to accept the messenger’s words of appeasement.

In this episode, we marvel at the importance accorded to love and family, as portrayed in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 166, penned by an anonymous poet. Set in the drylands of ‘Paalai’ landscape, the verse speaks in the voice of the man to his lady, allaying fears of his parting away in her heart.

In this episode, we perceive hunting beliefs and marriage customs, as portrayed in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 165, penned by an anonymous poet. The verse is set in the mountain country of ‘Kurinji’ and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, advising her as marriage proposals from strangers pour in.

In this episode, we appreciate the foresight of the confidante in predicting the man’s safe return, as depicted in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 164, penned by an anonymous poet. Set in the drylands of ‘Paalai’, the verse speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, conveying in a subtle manner, good tidings about the man’s arrival.

In this episode, we sense the feeling of relief on hearing good tidings, as depicted in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 163, penned by an anonymous poet. The verse is set in the coastal regions of ‘Neythal’ landscape and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, conveying a happy news concerning the man.

In this episode, we understand perceptions about women taking up travel, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 162, penned by an anonymous poet. Set in the ‘Paalai’ or drylands region, the verse speaks in the voice of the man to his lady, as he sets out on a journey.

In this episode, we relish the thoughts expressed by a man returning home, as portrayed in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 161, penned by an anonymous poet. The verse is set in the forest country of ‘Mullai’ region and speaks in the voice of a man to his charioteer, as he talks about the journey back home.

In this episode, we understand the effects of falling in love, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 160, penned by an anonymous poet. Set in the mountain country of ‘Kurinji’, the verse speaks in the voice of a man to his friend, in response to that friend’s angry words about the man’s changed behaviour.

In this episode, we relish scenes from an ancient shore and a subtle message that lies in store, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 159, penned by Kannam Pullanaar. The verse is set in the coastal landscape of ‘Neythal’ regions and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the man, bidding him in a hidden message, to seek the lady’s hand in marriage.

In this episode, we perceive the subtle ways of communicating intention, as portrayed in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 158, penned by Vellaikkudi Naakanaar. Set in the ‘Kurinji’ landscape of mountain country, the verse speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, passing on a hidden message to the man listening nearby.

In this episode, we perceive the pain of separation, portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 157, penned by Ilavettanaar. The verse is set in the ‘Paalai’ landscape or the drylands and speaks in the voice of a man to his heart, when he’s away from the lady on a mission, as he realises that the time of his promised return is near.