In this episode, we perceive the nuanced expression of intention, portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 104, written by Peri Saathanaar. Set in the mountain country of ‘Kurinji’, the verse speaks in the anguished voice of the lady to her confidante, passing on a hidden message to the man listening nearby.

In this episode, we see echoes of human life in the animal world, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 103, written by Maruthan Ilanaakanaar. The verse is set in the ‘Paalai’ landscape or the drylands and speaks in the voice of a man to his heart, bidding it to guide him in the right direction.

In this episode, we marvel at the natural world depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 102, written by Sembiyanaar, this being his only Sangam poem. Set in the lush mountain country of ‘Kurinji’, the verse speaks in the voice of the lady to a parrot, nudging it to carry a message to her man.

In this episode, we relish a song of passion by an ancient shore, portrayed in Sangam Literary Work, Natrinai 101, written by Velliyanthinnanaar, this being his only Sangam poem. The poem is in the ‘Neythal’ landscape or the coastal regions and speaks in the voice of the man to be heard by the confidante, relaying his love for the lady.

In this episode, we relish nature’s influences, cultural practices and patrons’ glories in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 100, penned by the historian-poet Paranar. Set in the agricultural landscape of Marutham, the poem speaks in the voice of a courtesan to her friend, the dancer, as the lady’s confidante listens by.

In this episode, we relish the novel ways of interpreting things, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 99, written by Ilanthiraiyanaar. The verse is set in the forest country of ‘Mullai’ and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, consoling her as she worries about the absence of her man.

In this episode, we relish the intricate methods of conveying intention as expressed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 98, written by Ukkira Peruvazhuthi, a famous poet-king, from Sangam times. Set in the ‘Kurinji’ landscape of mountain country, the poem speaks in the voice of the confidante to the man, passing on a hidden message to make him hasten his marriage with the lady.

In this episode, we savour the portrait of inner life, depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 97, written by Maaran Vazhuthi, who’s said to be a poet-king from Sangam times. The verse is set in the forest country of ‘Mullai’ and speaks in the inconsolable voice of the lady to her confidante, expressing her anguish about the man’s absence.

In this episode, we take in the fragrance of feelings depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 96, written by Kokulamutranaar. Set in the shores of the ‘Neythal’ landscape, the verse speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, while passing on a hidden message to the man, listening nearby.

In this episode, we appreciate the timelessness of love, depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 95, written by Kottampalavanaar, this being his only Sangam poem. The verse is set in the mountain country of ‘Kurinji’ and speaks in the voice of the man to his friend, describing the whereabouts of his lady and declaring his love.

In this episode, we appreciate the creative expression, portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 94, written by Ilanthiraiyanaar. Set in the ‘Neythal’ landscape of coastal regions, the verse speaks in the voice of the lady to her confidante, conveying a message from her heart to the man, listening nearby.

In this episode, we empathise with the pain of parting, portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 93, written by Malaiyanaar, this being his only Sangam poem. True to his name which means ‘a man of the mountains’, the verse is situated in the lush mountain country of ‘Kurinji’. The verse speaks in the voice of the confidante to the man, expressing the consequences of the man’s delaying his formal union with the lady.

In this episode, we relish the scenes from the wild that unfold in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 92, penned by an anonymous poet. Set in the drylands of the ‘Paalai’ landscape, the poem speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, talking about the man who has parted away.

In this episode, we relish the joy and celebration, portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 91, written by Pisiraanthaiyaar. The verse is set in the ‘Neythal’ region or the coastal lands and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, bringing good tidings about the man’s arrival.

In this episode, we gather elements from life in an ancient town, depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 90, written by Anjil Anjiyaar. Set in the agricultural landscape of ‘Marutham’, the poem speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, indirectly refusing entry to the singer, who has been sent as a messenger by the man.

In this episode, we realise the impact of weather on inner life, portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 89, written by Ilampulloor Kaavithi. The poem is set in the ‘Mullai’ region or the ‘forest lands’ and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, passing on a subtle message regarding the man’s arrival.

In this episode, we appreciate the connection between nature and philosophy, depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 88, written by Nallanthuvanaar. Set in the ‘Kurinji’ landscape of mountain country, the poem speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, passing on a hidden message to the man, listening nearby.

In this episode, we journey through world of dreams, depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 87, written by Nakkannaiyaar. The poem is set in the ‘Neythal’ landscape or the coastal regions and speaks in the voice of the lady to her confidante, sharing the sensations from a dream she had.

In this episode, we relish the journey of seasons and sensations, depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 86, written by Nakkirar. Set in the ‘Paalai’ landscape, the poem speaks in the jubilant voice of the confidante to the lady, conveying the news of the man’s return.

In this episode, we relish the ingenuity in expressing intent, depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 85, written by Nalvilakkanaar, this being his only Sangam poem. The verse is set in the ‘Kurinji’ landscape or the mountain country and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, passing on a subtle message to the man listening nearby.