In this episode, we listen to the strong words of the confidante, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Ainkurunooru 300-310, situated in the ‘Paalai’ or ‘Drylands landscape’ and penned by the poet Othalaanthaiyaar.

In this episode, we observe the dance of the peacock, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Ainkurunooru 291-300, situated in the ‘Kurinji’ or ‘Mountain landscape’ and penned by the poet Kabilar.

In this episode, we perceive scenes involving parrots in a mountain field, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Ainkurunooru 281-290, situated in the ‘Kurinji’ or ‘Mountain landscape’ and penned by the poet Kabilar.

In this episode, we follow the trail of a monkey, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Ainkurunooru 271-280, situated in the ‘Kurinji’ or ‘Mountain landscape’ and penned by the poet Kabilar.

In this episode, we observe the antics of a wild boar, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Ainkurunooru 261-270, situated in the ‘Kurinji’ or ‘Mountain landscape’ and penned by the poet Kabilar.

In this episode, we get to know a mountain dweller, as depicted in Sangam Literary work Ainkurunooru 251-260, situated in the ‘Kurinji’ or ‘Mountain landscape’ and penned by the poet Kabilar.

In this episode, we perceive events around a divination ritual, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work Ainkurunooru 241-250, situated in the ‘Kurinji’ or ‘Mountain landscape’ and penned by the poet Kabilar.

In this episode, we perceive parting pain and hear of daring plans, as depicted in Sangam Literary work Ainkurunooru 231-240, situated in the ‘Kurinji’ or ‘Mountain landscape’ and penned by the poet Kabilar.

In this episode, we perceive the emotions around parting, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Ainkurunooru 221-230, situated in the ‘Kurinji’ or ‘Mountain landscape’ and penned by the poet Kabilar.

In this episode, we observe the elements and emotions in an ancient hill country, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Ainkurunooru 211-220, situated in the ‘Kurinji’ or ‘Mountain landscape’ and penned by the poet Kabilar.

In this episode, we explore the sights and emotions of the hill country, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Ainkurunooru 201-210, situated in the ‘Kurinji’ or ‘Mountain landscape’ and penned by the prolific poet Kabilar.

In this episode, we listen to the stories echoing from the sounds of shell bangles, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Ainkurunooru 191-200, situated in the ‘Neythal’ or ‘Coastal landscape’ and penned by the poet Ammoovanaar.

In this episode, we perceive the beauty of a blue lotus, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Ainkurunooru 181-190, situated in the ‘Neythal’ or ‘Coastal landscape’ and penned by the poet Ammoovanaar.

In this episode, we perceive the glory of an ancient seaside town, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Ainkurunooru 171-180, situated in the ‘Neythal’ or ‘Coastal landscape’ and penned by the poet Ammoovanaar.

In this episode, we hop in step with a white sea gull to learn of the love dynamics between the man and the lady, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Ainkurunooru 161-170, situated in the ‘Neythal’ or ‘Coastal landscape’ and penned by the poet Ammoovanaar.

In this episode, we perceive the allegorical actions of a stork and a white seabird chick, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Ainkurunooru 151-160, situated in the ‘Neythal’ or ‘Coastal landscape’ and penned by the poet Ammoovanaar.

In this episode, we observe changing scenes around an element of the seashore, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Ainkurunooru 141-150, situated in the ‘Neythal’ or ‘Coastal landscape’ and penned by the poet Ammoovanaar.

In this episode, we hear the rebuke rendered to a bard, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Ainkurunooru 131-140, situated in the ‘Neythal’ or ‘Coastal landscape’ and penned by the poet Ammoovanaar.

In this episode, we perceive a portrait of a naive maiden, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Ainkurunooru 121-130, situated in the ‘Neythal’ or ‘Coastal landscape’ and penned by the poet Ammoovanaar.

In this episode, we listen to words rendered to the confidante, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Ainkurunooru 111-120, situated in the ‘Neythal’ or ‘Coastal landscape’ and penned by the poet Ammoovanaar.