In our second round of continents around the globe, the next stop happened to be Europe. I have often come across this argument in movies and books that Europe should not even be considered a…

A wish, a dream to return to the mother continent of Africa and this time, to visit Egypt, an intriguing nation renowned for its antiquity. This is the only nation, where an ancient wonder of…

After two long years of being unable to travel, finally saw a sliver of light at the end of December 2021. With overseas options made improbable, owing to that cumbersome testing process to establish one…

A reflection on David Reich’s ‘Who we are and how we got here’ from an Indian perspective.

How illuminating it is, to realise that we have a place in the world, where the past is preserved for thousands of years! In the ice sheets that cover the giant rock of this white…

கலைஞர் என்ற பெயர் கருவிலிருந்தே ஒலித்துக் கொண்டிருந்தது… என் தந்தையின் கரகர குரல்வழி… தமிழ்க் காதல்கொண்ட பொறியாளர் அவர். கலைஞர் தமிழால் தீட்டிய கதைகளை பகுத்தறிவு எண்ணங்களை என் தந்தை சொல்ல அதைக் கேட்ட இரட்டை பின்னல் நாட்கள்… மின்னலாய் கண்முன். என் வாழ்க்கையின் திருப்புமுனைகள் அவரால் அமையும்…

On the shore of my life when time stood still, like a toddler crying for mom in the next room, I thought… that the wave would never return. That wave which had receded was gone…

Here we are, in the sixth continent, in a strange little place with stranger stories engraved in its history. A place which echoes with tales of rulers, who came from near and far, to possess…

Should I only see you, o breeze, In the dance of the trees, In your kiss on my neck, that lingers, In the caress of your faint fingers, In birds that climb the skies, In…

Have you ever wanted to precisely know why you love something? The first time one experiences Baahubali, it feels like a gigantic wave crashing on the shores of one’s mind. The end-result is an overwhelming feeling…