Puranaanooru 194 – Seek out the good

July 20, 2023

In this episode, we perceive the contrasting elements of this world, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Puranaanooru 194, penned by the poet Pakkudukkai Nankaniyaar. The verse is situated in the category of ‘Pothuviyal Thinai’ or ‘Common Themes’ and speaks about the right approach to living.

ஓர் இல் நெய்தல் கறங்க, ஓர் இல்
ஈர்ந் தண் முழவின் பாணி ததும்ப,
புணர்ந்தோர் பூ அணி அணிய, பிரிந்தோர்
பைதல் உண்கண் பனி வார்பு உறைப்ப,
படைத்தோன் மன்ற, அப் பண்பிலாளன்!
இன்னாது அம்ம, இவ் உலகம்;
இனிய காண்க, இதன் இயல்பு உணர்ந்தோரே.

Another short song with a focus on the way to live. The poet’s words can be translated as follows:

“In one home, a funeral drum resounds; In another home, a moist and cool wedding drum echoes; Those who are to unite wear flower garlands and those who have been separated shed tears from their kohl-streaked eyes. The one who created such a world is a thoughtless person. Indeed, the world is wicked. Those who understand this nature of the world should seek out its good!”

Let’s take a deeper look at the verse. The poet starts by talking about how in one home, a particular drum that announces death rings aloud. A moment to pause and note that the name of this drum, as denoted by this poem, is ‘Neythal’, the same Tamil word indicating the blue lotus flower as well as the coastal landscape in Aham poetry. Returning to the verse, we see the poet pointing in the direction where a different kind of drum rings aloud. This is a pleasant and joyful music, which the poet says is used to indicate marriage proceedings. 

As the sounds signal, in one of the houses, tears flow from the kohl-streaked eyes of the bereaved woman, and in the other, flower garlands are being exchanged by the married couple. The poet looks up to the sky and declares the God who created such a world seems not to have good taste or character, for there is no rhyme or reason about joy and sorrow. Such is the world, full of terrible things, says the poet. However, those who understand this must rise above the terrible and seek out the rightful things the world has to offer, concludes the poet. A verse that seems to say though there’s much sadness and misery in the world, it’s up to the people to seek out the good and live a life in the righteous path!

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