Natrinai 199 – Shuddering in the storm

In this episode, we perceive intricate elements from the seashore revealing the inner world, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 199, penned by Peri Sathanaar. The verse is set in the coastal regions of ‘Neythal’ and speaks in the voice of the lady to the confidante, refusing to accept words of consolation and expressing the angst in her heart.

Natrinai 198 – In the likeness of a daughter

In this episode, we perceive the anguish in a mother missing her daughter, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 198, penned by Kayamanaar. Set in the drylands of ‘Paalai’, the verse speaks in the voice of a foster mother to a couple she meets on the way, as she searches for her daughter, who has eloped away.

Natrinai 197 – Painting the skies with hope

In this episode, we experience the meaning that dark clouds impart to a pining lady, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 197, penned by Nakirar. The verse is set in the drylands of ‘Paalai’ and speaks in the consoling voice of the confidante to the lady, conveying a positive message to the lady’s pining heart.

Natrinai 196 – The fate of the waning moon

In this episode, we listen to a curious conversation with the moon, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 196, penned by Vellaikudi Nakanaar. Set in the coastal landscape of ‘Neythal’, the verse speaks in the voice of the lady to the moon, attempting to make it reveal the path where the man, who has parted away, traverses.

Natrinai 195 – A call to action

In this episode, we relish the rich imagery inspired by the scenes on a seashore, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 195, penned by an anonymous poet. The verse is set in the coastal landscape of ‘Neythal’ and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the man, conveying the pained state of the lady, owing to the man’s lethargy in seeking her hand in marriage.

Natrinai 194 – Returning the kindness

In this episode, we explore life and wildlife in the mountain country, depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 194, penned by Madurai Maruthan Ilanaakanaar. Set in the mountain landscape of ‘Kurinji’, the verse speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, passing on a hidden message to the man, listening nearby.

Natrinai 193 – A plea to the breeze

In this episode, we perceive the journey of a breeze, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 193, penned by an anonymous poet. The verse is set in the ‘Paalai’ landscape of ‘drylands’ and speaks in the voice of the lady to the northern wind, pleading to not torment her at a time when the man has parted away.

Natrinai 192 – In the light of your love

In this episode, we relish scenes from a mountain jungle, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 192, penned by an anonymous poet. Set in the mountain country of ‘Kurinji’, the verse speaks in the voice of a man to a lady, as she refuses to accept a tryst with him at night, fearing for his safety.

Natrinai 191 – Glowing flowers and flowing grace

In this episode, we perceive a picturesque scene from the life of a seaside hamlet, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 191, penned by Ulochanaar. The verse is set in the coastal regions of ‘Neythal’ and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, conveying a subtle message to the man, listening nearby.

Natrinai 190 – Akin to a city

In this episode, we delight in the description of an ancient city, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 190, written by an anonymous poet. Set in the ‘Kurinji’ landscape of mountain country, the verse speaks in the voice of a man to his heart, urging the confidante, listening nearby, to help him win the affection of the lady.

Natrinai 189 – Hunter’s net and spider’s web

In this episode, we receive a lesson in the art of consolation, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 189, penned by an anonymous poet. The verse is set in the ‘Paalai’ landscape or the drylands and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, conveying words of solace to her pining heart.

Natrinai 188 – The good and the bad

In this episode, we learn an intricate technique to convey intention and the philosophical truth ingrained within, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 188, penned by an anonymous poet. Set in the mountain country of ‘Kurinji’, the verse speaks in the voice of the confidante to the man, conveying a subtle but strong reprimand about his delay in seeking the lady’s hand in marriage.

Natrinai 187 – As the sun sets within

In this episode, we take up a sensory travel to a sunset moment, as sketched by Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 187, penned by the Sangam-age namesake of an adored female poet, Avvaiyaar. The verse is set in the ‘Neythal’ landscape or coastal regions and speaks in the voice of the lady, as she mulls over the parting of the man, at the end of his tryst by day.

Natrinai 186 – Moisture of a compassionate music

In this episode, we perceive scenes from nature throwing light on an attitude of acceptance, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 186, penned by an anonymous poet. Set in the drylands region of ‘Paalai’, the verse speaks in the confident voice of the lady, relieving fears in the confidante’s mind about the consequences of the man’s departure.

Natrinai 185 – Slain by a goddess

In this episode, we learn fascinating facts about an ancient hill country, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 185, penned by an anonymous poet. The verse is set in the mountainous landscape of ‘Kurinji’ and speaks in the voice of the man to his friend, seeking his help to win the affection of the lady in his heart.

Natrinai 184 – The pupil of my eye

In this episode, we perceive the poignant emotions of a mother missing her daughter, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 184, written by an anonymous poet. Set in the drylands of the ‘Paalai’ landscape, the verse speaks in the voice of the mother, expressing her inconsolable sadness after her daughter’s departure.

Natrinai 183 – A barter of emotions

In this episode, we understand the thread that ties economics and emotions, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 183, penned by an anonymous poet. The verse is set in the coastal landscape of ‘Neythal’ and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the man, expressing the pain the lady would feel at his parting away.

Natrinai 182 – The unescorted elephant

In this episode, we perceive the intricate way of conveying intention by concealing it in an image from nature, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 182, penned by an anonymous poet. Set in the ‘Kurinji’ landscape of mountain country, the verse speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, conveying a pointed message to the man, listening nearby.

Natrinai 181 – Back to the nest

In this episode, we sense the jubilation in a man’s return to his home, as portrayed in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 181, penned by an anonymous poet. The verse is set in the ‘Mullai’ landscape or forest country and speaks in the voice of a confidante, conveying that the lady will be redeemed from her joyless state by the man’s return.

Natrinai 180 – On warring kings and couples

In this episode, we relish the intricate tapestry of imagery interwoven with the history and life of the land, as portrayed in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 180, penned by an anonymous poet. Set in the agricultural region of ‘Marutham’, the verse speaks in the voice of the confidante, in a complaining tone about the ceaseless love-quarrel between the man and the lady.

Natrinai 179 – Stolen by a cow

In this episode, we listen to a surprised mother’s reminiscences about her daughter, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 179, penned by an anonymous poet. The verse is set in the ‘Paalai’ landscape and speaks in the voice of a mother, expressing disbelief when she discovers that her daughter has eloped with a man.

Natrinai 178 – Sleepless on a branch

In this episode, we perceive scenes from the coast reflecting emotions within, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 178, penned by an anonymous poet. Set in the coastal region of ‘Neythal’, the verse speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, intending to convey a hidden message to the man listening nearby.

Natrinai 177 – Soaring fire and swamping flood

In this episode, we relish the contrasting imagery to paint the emotions in parting, as depicted in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 177, penned by an anonymous poet. The verse is set in the ‘Paalai’ landscape or drylands and speaks in the voice of the lady to the confidante, expressing her discovery of the man’s intention to part away.

Natrinai 176 – Budding lilies and buzzing bees

In this episode, we relish the rich imagery from the fragrant hills of ancient times, as portrayed in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 176, penned by an anonymous poet. Set in the mountain country of ‘Kurinji’ the verse speaks in the voice of a courtesan to her friend, the dancer, passing on a hidden message of warning to the friends of the lady’s confidante, who are listening nearby.

Natrinai 175 – Flame of fish oil

In this episode, we perceive scenes from a coastal land that sketch for us, the intricacies of inner life, as portrayed in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 175, written by an anonymous poet. The verse is set in the coastal regions of ‘Neythal’ and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, nudging the man listening nearby, to seek the lady’s hand in marriage.

Natrinai 174 – Crooning bird and countering tiger

In this episode, we perceive the emotions of a lady in distress, as portrayed in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 174, written by an anonymous poet. Set in the drylands of ‘Paalai’ landscape, the poem speaks in the voice of the lady to her confidante, responding to the question about her inexplicable sadness.

Natrinai 173 – Seeing god within

In this episode, we learn about cultural and religious notions, as portrayed in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 173, penned by an anonymous poet. The verse is set in the mountain country of ‘Kurinji’ and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, conveying a hidden message to the man listening nearby.

Natrinai 172 – Shade of a sister

In this episode, we dwell on the exquisite feeling of kinship extended to a tree, as portrayed in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 172, penned by an anonymous poet. Set in the coastal regions of ‘Neythal’, the verse speaks in the voice of the confidante to the man, refusing him a tryst by day with the lady and nudging him to seek the lady’s hand in marriage.

Natrinai 171 – Solace for sleepless eyes

In this episode, we marvel at the nuanced instances from life used to portray the pain in parting, as depicted in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 171, penned by an anonymous poet. The verse is set in the ‘Paalai’ landscape of drylands and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, conveying to her the message about the man’s parting away.

Natrinai 170 – Dancer at the gate

In this episode, we learn about a moment in history through the poetic device of a simile, as depicted in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 170, penned by an anonymous poet. Set in ‘Marutham’ or the agricultural lands, the verse speaks in the voice of the confidante to her friends, refusing entry to a danseuse to a festival being held at home.

Natrinai 169 – Lizard on the wall

In this episode, we perceive the yearning in the heart of a man returning home, as portrayed in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 169, penned by an anonymous poet. The verse is set in the forest country of ‘Mullai’ and speaks in the voice of the man to his heart, on completing a far-away mission, as his thoughts turn homeward.

Natrinai 168 – Drizzling honey and drifting sandalwood

In this episode, we relish the sensuous details of life in the mountains, as portrayed in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 168, written by an anonymous poet. Set in the lush hill country of ‘Kurinji’, the verse speaks in the voice of the confidante to the man, chiding him subtly for not seeking a formal union with the lady.

Natrinai 167 – Refused bird and fused flowers

In this episode, we perceive nature and history revealing the inner landscape, as depicted in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 167, penned by an anonymous poet. The verse is set in the coastal regions of ‘Neythal’ and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the singer-messenger, refusing to accept the messenger’s words of appeasement.

Natrinai 166 – Glowing lady and playing child

In this episode, we marvel at the importance accorded to love and family, as portrayed in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 166, penned by an anonymous poet. Set in the drylands of ‘Paalai’ landscape, the verse speaks in the voice of the man to his lady, allaying fears of his parting away in her heart.

Natrinai 165 – Failed hunt and familial hold

In this episode, we perceive hunting beliefs and marriage customs, as portrayed in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 165, penned by an anonymous poet. The verse is set in the mountain country of ‘Kurinji’ and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, advising her as marriage proposals from strangers pour in.

Natrinai 164 – Redemption in a return

In this episode, we appreciate the foresight of the confidante in predicting the man’s safe return, as depicted in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 164, penned by an anonymous poet. Set in the drylands of ‘Paalai’, the verse speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, conveying in a subtle manner, good tidings about the man’s arrival.

Natrinai 163 – Two trees at dawn

In this episode, we sense the feeling of relief on hearing good tidings, as depicted in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 163, penned by an anonymous poet. The verse is set in the coastal regions of ‘Neythal’ landscape and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, conveying a happy news concerning the man.

Natrinai 162 – A woman’s journey

In this episode, we understand perceptions about women taking up travel, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 162, penned by an anonymous poet. Set in the ‘Paalai’ or drylands region, the verse speaks in the voice of the man to his lady, as he sets out on a journey.

Natrinai 161 – Omen of a return

In this episode, we relish the thoughts expressed by a man returning home, as portrayed in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 161, penned by an anonymous poet. The verse is set in the forest country of ‘Mullai’ region and speaks in the voice of a man to his charioteer, as he talks about the journey back home.

Natrinai 160 – When love blooms

In this episode, we understand the effects of falling in love, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 160, penned by an anonymous poet. Set in the mountain country of ‘Kurinji’, the verse speaks in the voice of a man to his friend, in response to that friend’s angry words about the man’s changed behaviour.

Natrinai 159 – Soothing waves and subtle words

In this episode, we relish scenes from an ancient shore and a subtle message that lies in store, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 159, penned by Kannam Pullanaar. The verse is set in the coastal landscape of ‘Neythal’ regions and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the man, bidding him in a hidden message, to seek the lady’s hand in marriage.

Natrinai 158 – Blood-red stains of slander

In this episode, we perceive the subtle ways of communicating intention, as portrayed in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 158, penned by Vellaikkudi Naakanaar. Set in the ‘Kurinji’ landscape of mountain country, the verse speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, passing on a hidden message to the man listening nearby.

Natrinai 157 – The river of parting

In this episode, we perceive the pain of separation, portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 157, penned by Ilavettanaar. The verse is set in the ‘Paalai’ landscape or the drylands and speaks in the voice of a man to his heart, when he’s away from the lady on a mission, as he realises that the time of his promised return is near.

Natrinai 156 – A tactful refusal

In this episode, we witness a thoughtful technique in refusing something, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 156, penned by Kannan Kottranaar. Set in the mountain country of ‘Kurinji’, the verse speaks in the voice of the confidante to the man, when he arrives to tryst with the lady that night.

Natrinai 155 – A smile in reply

In this episode, we smile at the exuberant expression of love, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 155, penned by Paraayanaar. The poem is set in the ‘Neythal’ landscape of coastal regions and speaks in the elated voice of the man, revealing his emotions on meeting with the lady for the second time.

Natrinai 154 – Steering in the right path

In this episode, we picture scenes from a jungle on a dark night, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 154, penned by Nallaavoor Kizhaar. Set in the mountain country of ‘Kurinji’, the verse speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, passing on a hidden message to the man listening nearby.

Natrinai 153 – The last man standing

In this episode, we relish the expanse of the inner world illustrated with elements of nature and culture, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 153, penned by Thanimaganaar. The verse is situated in the ‘Paalai’ landscape or drylands and speaks in the voice of the lady, relating her pained state after the parting away of her man.

Natrinai 152 – Setting sun and soaring pain

In this episode, we empathise with the feelings portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 152, penned by Alamperi Saathanaar. Set in the coastal regions of the ‘Neythal’ landscape, the verse speaks in the anguished voice of a man, relating his pained state, as the confidante listens nearby.

Natrinai 151 – Anxious monkey and avenging man

In this episode, we relish the imagery-filled scenes from a mountain country, portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 151, written by Ilanaganaar. The verse is set in the ‘Kurinji’ landscape or mountainous regions and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, passing on hidden messages to the man, listening nearby.

Natrinai 150 – Annexed fort and angered mother

In this episode, we listen to an insightful conversation, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 150, penned by Kaduvan Ilamallanaar. Set in the ‘Marutham’ landscape of agricultural lands, the verse speaks in the voice of a courtesan to a singer-messenger, revealing her feelings about the errant man.

Natrinai 149 – Rumorous town and runaway lady

In this episode, we understand the impact of societal pressures on inner life, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 149, penned by Ulochanaar. The poem is set in the coastal landscape of ‘Neythal’ regions and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, bidding her to elope with the man, considering the troublesome situation in the town.

Natrinai 148 – Dangerous path and determined wait

In this episode, we perceive danger and determination in a drylands path, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 148, penned by Kallampaalanaar. Set in the drylands of ‘Paalai’ landscape, the verse speaks in the confident voice of the confidante to the lady, about the man’s harsh journey in search of wealth.

Natrinai 147 – Burgled fields and blurted words

In this episode, we relish a comical scene in a millet field, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 147, written by Kollampakkanaar. The verse is set in the mountain country of ‘Kurinji’ and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, relaying a curious incident involving the lady and her mother, to the man, listening nearby.

Natrinai 146 – Canopy of concern

In this episode, we understand a curious social custom, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 146, penned by Kantharathanaar. Set in the mountain country of ‘Kurinji’, the verse speaks in the voice of the man to his heart, passing on a nuanced message to the confidante, listening nearby.

Natrinai 145 – Flowers by the seashore

In this episode, we observe inner and outer life by the seas, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 145, penned by Nambi Kuttuvan. The verse is set in the ‘Neythal’ landscape and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, passing on a hidden message to the man, listening nearby.

Natrinai 144 – Dashing past the danger

In this episode, we perceive the dangers of a hill country at night, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 144, written by Kachippettu Perunthachanaar. Set in the mountainous regions of ‘Kurinji’ landscape, the verse speaks in the worried voice of the lady to her confidante, as the man listens nearby.

Natrinai 143 – Flying away from the nest

In this episode, we observe a mother’s state of mind, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 143, written by Kannakaaran Kotranaar. The verse is set in the ‘Paalai’ landscape or ‘drylands’ and speaks in the lamenting voice of a mother, after her daughter elopes with the man.

Natrinai 142 – Whistling past time’s echo

In this episode, we perceive the portrayal of a Sangam woman, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 142, written by Idaikaadanaar. Set in the forest country of ‘Mullai’ landscape, the verse speaks in the voice of a man to his charioteer, requesting him to rush to the lady’s village.

Natrinai 141 – Flowing from a riverbed

In this episode, we relish the novel similes that paint the inner and outer world, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 141, written by Salliyankumaranaar. The verse is set in the ‘Paalai’ region or the drylands and speaks in the voice of a man to his heart, expressing his inability to part from the lady and go in search of wealth.

Natrinai 140 – The game in a mountain mansion

In this episode, we appreciate the nuanced details about a mountain girl’s life, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 140, penned by Poothan Kannanaar. Set in the mountain country of ‘Kurinji’, the verse speaks in the voice of a man to his heart, bidding it to be patient, as he tries to secure the affection of the lady.

Natrinai 139 – The music in a rain shower

In this episode, we rejoice in the grace of a rain shower, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 139, penned by Perungkousikanaar. The verse is set in the forest country of ‘Mullai’ and speaks in the voice of a man to the rain, extolling it for the help it has extended to him.

Natrinai 138 – The nest on a broken cart

In this episode, we appreciate the rich imagery employed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 138, penned by Ammoovanaar. Set in the coastal lands of ‘Neythal’, the poem speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, consoling her and conveying a message to the man, listening nearby.

Natrinai 137 – The shade of a broken tree

In this episode, we gather some fascinating facets about flora and fauna, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 137, written by Perungkannanaar. The verse is set in the ‘Paalai’ landscape or drylands and speaks in the voice of the man to his heart, as he responds to its urging to part away from the lady, in search of wealth.

Natrinai 136 – Slipping bangle and revealing praise

In this episode, we relish the rich expressions, portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 136, penned by Natrangkotranaar. Set in the mountain country of ‘Kurinji’ lands, the verse speaks in the voice of the lady to the confidante, expressing a nuanced message to the man, listening nearby.

Natrinai 135 – Struggling horse and soaring dream

In this episode, we perceive the intricate ways of conveying information, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 135, written by Kathapillaiyaar. The verse is set in the coastal landscape of ‘Neythal’ regions and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, passing on a hidden message to the man, listening nearby.

Natrinai 134 – Fluttering fear and thriving field

In this episode, we celebrate the happy tidings, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 134, penned by an anonymous poet. Set in the ‘Kurinji’ landscape of mountainous regions, the verse speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, laying to dust, the lady’s fears about being unable to meet with her man.

Natrinai 133 – Burning forge and calming word

In this episode, we relish the rich imagery in revealing the inner world, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 133, written by Natramanaar. The verse is set in the mountain country of ‘Kurinji’ and speaks in the voice of the lady to the confidante, in response to her words of consolation.

Natrinai 132 – Caged in the house

In this episode, we appreciate the capture of life in a seaside mansion, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 132, penned by an anonymous poet. Set in the ‘Neythal’ landscape of coastal regions, the verse speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, highlighting the difficult situation to the man listening nearby.

Natrinai 131 – Gratified on the branch

In this episode, we perceive a nuanced way of deflecting praise, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 131, written by Ulochanaar. The poem is set in the coastal landscape of ‘Neythal’ and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the man, in response to a grateful word from him.

Natrinai 130 – Sorrow beyond the seas

In this episode, we travel to an ancient town by the sea and witness a scene of parting, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 130, penned by Neythal Thathanaar. Set in the coastal landscape of ‘Neythal’, the verse speaks in the voice of the lady to the confidante, expressing the inconsolable sadness in her heart.

Natrinai 129 – Alone in the rains

In this episode, we perceive a novel way of sharing disconcerting news, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 129, written by the Sangam-age Avvaiyaar, a prolific female poet who has penned more than 50 Sangam poems. Though the name is the same, Avvaiyaar of ‘Aathichoodi’ fame, belonged to the later medieval period. The poem is set in the ‘Kurinji’ landscape or mountain country and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, conveying a hard-to-accept message in a subtle manner.

Natrinai 128 – Waning moon and wordless bond

In this episode, we marvel at the deep bond between friends, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 128, written by Narchendanaar, this being the only poem penned by this poet. Set in the mountain country of ‘Kurinji’, the poem speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, conveying she knows the heart of her friend, even without words any.

Natrinai 127 – Shivering shore and sturdy lady

In this episode, we relish the scenes from a seaside village, portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 127, penned by Seethalai Saathanaar. The verse is set in the ‘Neythal’ landscape of coastal regions and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the singer-messenger, refusing him entry to the lady’s house.

Natrinai 126 – Ageing fruit and ambitious heart

In this episode, we appreciate the abstractions on age and ambition, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 126, penned by an anonymous poet. Set in the drylands of the ‘Paalai’ landscape, the verse speaks in the voice of a man to his heart, stressing on the futility of undertaking a journey seeking wealth.

Natrinai 125 – Stealthy bear and sleeping elephant

In this episode, we appreciate the richness of metaphor and imagery in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 125, penned by an anonymous poet. The poem is set in the ‘Kurinji’ landscape or mountain country and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, consoling and advising her with regard to the man’s delay in seeking a formal union.

Natrinai 124 – Fallen flowers and flowing silver

In this episode, we relish the rich visuals depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 124, written by Mosi Kannathanaar. Set in the coastal regions of ‘Neythal’ landscape, the verse speaks in the voice of the confidante to the man, bidding him to give up his plans of parting from the lady.

Natrinai 123 – Playful girl and peaceful bird

In this episode, we perceive the sunny life of a Sangam girl on an ancient shore, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 123, written by Kanji Pulavanaar. The verse is set in the coastal regions of ‘Neythal’ landscape and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, intending to convey a hidden message to the man, listening nearby.

Natrinai 122 – Thundering skies and thoughtful eyes

In this episode, we appreciate the ingenuity in moving another to action, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 122, written by Sengkannanaar. Set in the Kurinji landscape of mountain country, the verse speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, conveying a layered message to the man, listening nearby.

Natrinai 121 – Ravenous deer and racing horse

In this episode, we perceive the anticipation and joy in reuniting, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 121, written by Oru Sirai Periyanaar. The poem is set in the forest country of ‘Mullai’ and speaks in the voice of a charioteer to his master, expressing positivity and hope about the man’s reunion with the lady.

Natrinai 120 – A hospitable welcome

In this episode, we unearth intricate details about a living culture, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 120, written by Maankudi Kilaar. Set in the agricultural landscape of ‘Marutham’, the poem speaks in the voice of the man to himself, as he hatches a plan to win back the affection of his enraged lady.

Natrinai 119 – A nuanced message

In this episode, we relish the rich imagery depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 119, penned by Perunkundroor Kilaar. The poem is set in the ‘Kurinji’ landscape or the lush mountain country and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, expressing a subtle message to the man, listening nearby.

Natrinai 118 – A palpable season

In this episode, we perceive the effect of changing seasons on the land and the mind, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 118, penned by Perunkadunko, a poet-king from the Chera dynasty. Set in the ‘Paalai’ landscape, the poem speaks in the voice of the lady to the confidante, describing the pained state of her heart.

Natrinai 117 – A heartbreaking evening

In this episode, we savour the sights of an ancient evening and sympathise with a person’s pain, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 117, written by Kundriyanaar. The verse is set in the ‘Neythal’ landscape or the ‘coastal regions’ and speaks in the voice of the lady to her confidante, expressing the inconsolable pain in her heart at being separated from her man.

Natrinai 116 – Wallowing elephant and wasted jackfruit

In this episode, we marvel at the philosophical abstractions and natural imagery, depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 116, written by Kantharathanaar. Set in the ‘Kurinji’ landscape of mountain country, the poem speaks in the voice of the lady to the confidante, expressing dejection about her deserted situation.

Natrinai 115 – Returning rain and renewed hope

In this episode, we relish the changing seasons in the mind, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 115, penned by an anonymous poet. The verse is set in the ‘Mullai’ landscape of forest country and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, filling her with optimism about the man’s return.

Natrinai 114 – Dangerous river and dead elephant

In this episode, we perceive the innovative way of conveying intention through vivid images, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work Natrinai 114, written by Tholkabilar. Set in the mountain country of ‘Kurinji’, the verse speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, conveying a hidden message to the man, listening nearby.

Natrinai 113 – Twisted path and tormenting flute

In this episode, we perceive the impact of separation on inner life, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 113, written by Ilangkeeranaar. The verse is set in the ‘Paalai’ landscape or the ‘drylands’ and speaks in the surprised voice of a man to himself, as he reflects on his parting from the lady.

Natrinai 112 – The thoughtful rain

In this episode, we perceive how nature influences inner life, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 112, written by Perunkundroor Kilaar. Set in the mountain country of ‘Kurinji’, the poem speaks in the comforting voice of the confidante to the lady, conveying a positive message about the man’s return.

Natrinai 111 – The triumphant return

In this episode, we relish the rich poetic imagery, portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 111, penned by an anonymous poet. The verse is set in the ‘Neythal’ landscape or the coastal regions and speaks in the consoling voice of the confidante to the lady, conveying a positive omen about the man’s return from his journey.

Natrinai 110 – The transformed girl

In this episode, we marvel at the metamorphosis of a young girl, depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 110, written by Pothanaar. Set in the ‘Paalai’ landscape, the poem speaks in the voice of a foster-mother to the lady’s mother, relaying news of how the lady is faring in her husband’s home.

Natrinai 109 – The tethered heart

In this episode, we perceive deep facets of inner life, depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 109, written by Meeli Perumpathumanaar, this being his only Sangam poem. The verse is set in the ‘Paalai’ landscape and revolves around the theme of separation. Speaking in the voice of the lady to her confidante, the poem expresses the anguish in the lady’s heart, as the man has not returned from his journey.

Natrinai 108 – Millets in the mind

In this episode, we marvel at the ingenious ways of moving another to action, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 108, penned by an anonymous poet. Set in the mountain country of ‘Kurinji’, the verse speaks in the voice of the confidante to the man, conveying a hidden message to him.

Natrinai 107 – Branches in the wind

In this episode, we relish the metaphors in nature, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 107, penned by an anonymous poet. The poem is set in the ‘Paalai’ region or the drylands and revolves around the theme of separation. Speaking in the voice of the lady to her confidante, the poem expresses the ironic situation the lady finds herself in, after the man parts away to go on a journey.

Natrinai 106 – Petals on the sand

In this episode, we relish the visual imagery in painting the mind, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 106, written by Thondaimaan Ilanthiraiyan, a poet-king who ruled with ‘Kanchi’ as his capital. Set in the ‘Neythal’ landscape of coastal regions, the verse speaks in the voice of the man to his charioteer, recollecting a past event and subtly urging him to hurry towards the lady’s village by the sea.

Natrinai 105 – Thorn in the heart

In this episode, we appreciate the deep awareness of inner life, as portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 105, written by Mudathirumaaran. The verse is set in the ‘Paalai’ landscape or the drylands and speaks in the voice of the man to his heart, motivating it to move forward as it languishes stuck in the anguishing journey.

Natrinai 104 – Flight of the Kili

In this episode, we perceive the nuanced expression of intention, portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 104, written by Peri Saathanaar. Set in the mountain country of ‘Kurinji’, the verse speaks in the anguished voice of the lady to her confidante, passing on a hidden message to the man listening nearby.

Natrinai 103 – Path of the Sennaai

In this episode, we see echoes of human life in the animal world, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 103, written by Maruthan Ilanaakanaar. The verse is set in the ‘Paalai’ landscape or the drylands and speaks in the voice of a man to his heart, bidding it to guide him in the right direction.

Natrinai 102 – Land of the Palaa

In this episode, we marvel at the natural world depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 102, written by Sembiyanaar, this being his only Sangam poem. Set in the lush mountain country of ‘Kurinji’, the verse speaks in the voice of the lady to a parrot, nudging it to carry a message to her man.

Natrinai 101 – Shade of the Punnai

In this episode, we relish a song of passion by an ancient shore, portrayed in Sangam Literary Work, Natrinai 101, written by Velliyanthinnanaar, this being his only Sangam poem. The poem is in the ‘Neythal’ landscape or the coastal regions and speaks in the voice of the man to be heard by the confidante, relaying his love for the lady.

Natrinai 100 – A spark on the still waters

In this episode, we relish nature’s influences, cultural practices and patrons’ glories in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 100, penned by the historian-poet Paranar. Set in the agricultural landscape of Marutham, the poem speaks in the voice of a courtesan to her friend, the dancer, as the lady’s confidante listens by.

Natrinai 99 – A season in the wrong

In this episode, we relish the novel ways of interpreting things, as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 99, written by Ilanthiraiyanaar. The verse is set in the forest country of ‘Mullai’ and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, consoling her as she worries about the absence of her man.

Natrinai 98 – A snare in the field

In this episode, we relish the intricate methods of conveying intention as expressed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 98, written by Ukkira Peruvazhuthi, a famous poet-king, from Sangam times. Set in the ‘Kurinji’ landscape of mountain country, the poem speaks in the voice of the confidante to the man, passing on a hidden message to make him hasten his marriage with the lady.

Natrinai 97 – A spear through the wound

In this episode, we savour the portrait of inner life, depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 97, written by Maaran Vazhuthi, who’s said to be a poet-king from Sangam times. The verse is set in the forest country of ‘Mullai’ and speaks in the inconsolable voice of the lady to her confidante, expressing her anguish about the man’s absence.

Natrinai 96 – The scent of pining

In this episode, we take in the fragrance of feelings depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 96, written by Kokulamutranaar. Set in the shores of the ‘Neythal’ landscape, the verse speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, while passing on a hidden message to the man, listening nearby.

Natrinai 95 – The touch of tightropes

In this episode, we appreciate the timelessness of love, depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 95, written by Kottampalavanaar, this being his only Sangam poem. The verse is set in the mountain country of ‘Kurinji’ and speaks in the voice of the man to his friend, describing the whereabouts of his lady and declaring his love.

Natrinai 94 – The light of pearls

In this episode, we appreciate the creative expression, portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 94, written by Ilanthiraiyanaar. Set in the ‘Neythal’ landscape of coastal regions, the verse speaks in the voice of the lady to her confidante, conveying a message from her heart to the man, listening nearby.

Natrinai 93 – The sound of drumbeats

In this episode, we empathise with the pain of parting, portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 93, written by Malaiyanaar, this being his only Sangam poem. True to his name which means ‘a man of the mountains’, the verse is situated in the lush mountain country of ‘Kurinji’. The verse speaks in the voice of the confidante to the man, expressing the consequences of the man’s delaying his formal union with the lady.

Natrinai 92 – The duo in the drylands

In this episode, we relish the scenes from the wild that unfold in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 92, penned by an anonymous poet. Set in the drylands of the ‘Paalai’ landscape, the poem speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, talking about the man who has parted away.

Natrinai 91 – The nourishment in the nest

In this episode, we relish the joy and celebration, portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 91, written by Pisiraanthaiyaar. The verse is set in the ‘Neythal’ region or the coastal lands and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, bringing good tidings about the man’s arrival.

Natrinai 90 – The drama in the house

In this episode, we gather elements from life in an ancient town, depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 90, written by Anjil Anjiyaar. Set in the agricultural landscape of ‘Marutham’, the poem speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, indirectly refusing entry to the singer, who has been sent as a messenger by the man.

Natrinai 89 – The storm in the mind

In this episode, we realise the impact of weather on inner life, portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 89, written by Ilampulloor Kaavithi. The poem is set in the ‘Mullai’ region or the ‘forest lands’ and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, passing on a subtle message regarding the man’s arrival.

Natrinai 88 – A tear-like torrent

In this episode, we appreciate the connection between nature and philosophy, depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 88, written by Nallanthuvanaar. Set in the ‘Kurinji’ landscape of mountain country, the poem speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, passing on a hidden message to the man, listening nearby.

Natrinai 87 – A delicacy-like dream

In this episode, we journey through world of dreams, depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 87, written by Nakkannaiyaar. The poem is set in the ‘Neythal’ landscape or the coastal regions and speaks in the voice of the lady to her confidante, sharing the sensations from a dream she had.

Natrinai 86 – A season-like steadiness

In this episode, we relish the journey of seasons and sensations, depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 86, written by Nakkirar. Set in the ‘Paalai’ landscape, the poem speaks in the jubilant voice of the confidante to the lady, conveying the news of the man’s return.

Natrinai 85 – A fence-like friend

In this episode, we relish the ingenuity in expressing intent, depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 85, written by Nalvilakkanaar, this being his only Sangam poem. The verse is set in the ‘Kurinji’ landscape or the mountain country and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, passing on a subtle message to the man listening nearby.

Natrinai 84 – Illusory praise and impossible raise

In this episode, we reflect on the conflict between ambition and affection portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 84, penned by an anonymous poet. Set in the ‘Paalai’ landscape of drylands, the poem speaks in the inconsolable voice of the lady to her confidante, expressing her angst at her man’s parting away.

Natrinai 83 – Blaring owl and biriyani bowl

In this episode, we marvel at the poetic feast spread out in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 83, written by Perunthevanaar. The poem is set in the ‘Kurinji’ landscape of mountain country and speaks in the voice of the confidante to an owl, passing on a hidden message to the man listening nearby.

Natrinai 82 – Persuasive skill and ployed kill

In this episode, we perceive the ways of life depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 82, written by Ammallanaar, his only Sangam entry. Set in the mountain country of ‘Kurinji’, the poem speaks in the voice of the man to the lady, expressing his feelings, after a covert union with her.

Natrinai 81 – Speeding mile and spreading smile

In this episode, we relish the life and love depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 81, written by Akamban Maalaathanaar, this being his only Sangam poem. The poem is set in the ‘Mullai’ landscape or the forest regions and revolves around the theme of patient waiting. Speaking in the voice of the man to his charioteer, the verse expresses the man’s wish to rush home at the end of his task, so that he could bask in his lady’s smile.

Natrinai 80 – The truth beyond

In this episode, we reflect on a deep truth depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 80, written by Poothan Thevanaar. Set in the agricultural landscape of ‘Marutham’, the poem speaks in the voice of the man to his heart, passing on a pointed message to the confidante, listening nearby.

Natrinai 79 – The path ahead

In this episode, we take a walk through the inner and outer world laid out in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 79, written by Kannakanaar. The poem is set in the ‘Paalai’ landscape or the drylands and revolves around the theme of separation. Speaking in the voice of the lady to her confidante, the poem expresses the anxiety in the lady’s heart on perceiving the man’s intention to part away on a journey.

Natrinai 78 – The shower beneath

In this episode, we partake in the flower-shower of joy depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 78, written by Keerankeeranaar, this being his only entry in Sangam poetry. The verse is set in the ‘Neythal’ landscape or the coastal regions and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, conveying good tidings regarding the man’s arrival.

Natrinai 77 – The sweetness within

In this episode, we unearth slices of history and scenes from his story, depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 77, written by Kabilar. Set in the mountain country of ‘Kurinji’, the poem speaks in the voice of the man to his heart, bidding it to be patient, as he tries to win the confidence of the confidante, who stands between him and his lady.

Natrinai 75 – Sneering snake and sensitive sapience

In this episode, we perceive the inner wisdom depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 75, written by Mamoolanar. The poem is set in the lush mountain country of ‘Kurinji’ and speaks in the anguished voice of the man to the lady’s confidante, requesting her to help him win the lady’s affections.

Natrinai 74 – Belligerent boats and broadcasting birds

In this episode, we gather interesting elements from the life on a shore, depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 74, written by Ulochanaar. Set in the ‘Neythal’ landscape or the coastal regions, the poem features a love-quarrel between the man and the lady. The verse speaks in the voice of the lady to a singer, who has been sent as a messenger by the man, refusing him entry and rejecting his words of reconciliation.

Natrinai 73 – Scary spirits and serene swans

In this episode, we relish the rich imagery depicted in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 73, written by Moolangkeeranaar. Set in the drylands of the ‘Paalai’ landscape, the poem revolves around the theme of separation. Speaking in the voice of the lady to her confidante, the verse expresses the lady’s anguish on hearing that her man intends to part away.

Natrinai 72 – Flawless friendship

In this episode, we unravel the abstract thoughts depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 72, written by Ilambothiyaar, this being the only poem penned by this poet. Set in the ‘Neythal’ landscape or the coastal regions, the poem speaks in the words of the confidante to the lady, expressing her fears, as the man listens nearby.

Natrinai 71 – Impossible farewell

In this episode, we understand perceptions about life and love depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 71, written by Vannapura Kantharathanaar. True to his colourful name, he vividly paints this poem of love in canvas of the ‘Paalai’ landscape or the drylands, around the theme of separation. The verse converses in the words of the lady’s confidante to the man, putting forth an important question as he prepares to leave.

Natrinai 70 – Forgetful bird

In this episode, we relish an interaction with the feathered friend depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 70, written by Velliveethiyaar, who happens to be a female poet sung about by another famous female poet, Avvaiyaar. The poem is set in the agricultural farmlands of the ‘Marutham’ landscape and speaks in the voice of the lady to a little bird, pressing it to pass on a message to her man.

Natrinai 69 – Solo evening

In this episode, we bask in the dusk depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 69, written by Sekampoothanaar. Set in the forest regions of the ‘Mullai’ landscape, the poem speaks in the voice of the lady, expressing the yearning in her heart.

Natrinai 68 – Convincer for the game

In this episode, we perceive the importance of play depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 68, written by Piraan Saathanaar. The poem is set in the wet mountain country of ‘Kurinji’ and speaks in the voice of the confidante to the lady, conveying the news of the lady’s confinement in a hidden message to the man listening nearby.

Natrinai 67 – Seeds for the future

In this episode, we marvel at the intricate ingenuity depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 67, written by Peri Saathanaar. Set amidst the resounding waves of the ‘Neythal’ landscape or the coastal regions, the poem speaks in the voice of the lady’s confidante to the man, expressing a subtle wish to make him expedite his marriage with the lady.

Natrinai 66 – Tears for the burn

In this episode, we perceive the shades in a mother-daughter relationship depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 66, written by Inisantha Naakanaar. The poem is set in the ‘Paalai’ landscape or the drylands and speaks in the voice of the mother, reflecting on the state of her daughter, who has eloped with the man she loves.

Natrinai 65 – Words for the wound

In this episode, we understand the cultural beliefs depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 65, written by Kabilar. Set in the mountain landscape of ‘Kurinji’, the poem speaks in the voice of the lady’s confidante to the lady, giving the lady hope in her moment of pain.

Natrinai 64 – A leafless tree

In this episode, we understand the deep love depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 64, written by Ulochanaar. The poem is set in the ‘Kurinji’ landscape or the mountains and speaks in the voice of the lady to her confidante, on the subject of the man’s parting away from her.

Natrinai 63 – A fragrant fish

In this episode, we relish the metaphorical delights in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 63, written by Ulochanaar. Set in the ‘Neythal’ landscape or the coastal regions, it’s a lament in the voice of the lady’s confidante to the lady, passing on a hidden message to the man, listening nearby.

Natrinai 62 – A personal moon

In this episode, we empathise with the dilemma depicted in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 62, written by Ilangkeeranaar. The verse is set in the ‘Paalai’ landscape or the drylands and dwells on the theme of separation. It speaks in the voice of a man to his heart, recollecting a past bitter-sweet moment in his journey.

Natrinai 61 – A silent reply

In this episode, we marvel at the persuasive skills depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 61, written by Sirumolikanaar, his only poem in Sangam literature. Set in the lush mountain country of ‘Kurinji’, the poem speaks in the words of the lady’s confidante to the lady, passing on a hidden message to the man listening nearby.

Natrinai 60 – Budding weed and bright farmer

In this episode, we travel to the ancient farmland depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 60, written by Thoongaloriyaar. The poem is set in the agricultural landscape of ‘Marutham’ and speaks in the voice of the lady’s confidante to a farmer, while sowing a secret message in the man, listening nearby.

Natrinai 59 – Blooming flower and besotted hunter

In this episode, we understand the life and love depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 59, written by the prolific Sangam poet, Kabilar. Set in the forest regions of ‘Mullai’, the poem speaks in the voice of the man to his charioteer, urging him to hurry homeward.

Natrinai 58 – Speeding horse and stricken sparrow

In this episode, we relish the social customs depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 58, written by Mudhukootranaar. The verse is set in the ‘Neythal’ landscape or the coastal regions and speaks in the voice of the lady’s confidante, as the man speeds away on his horse, after meeting with the lady during the day.

Natrinai 57 – Sleeping bison and suffering lady

In this episode, we unravel the layers of culture and meaning depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 57, written by Pothumpil Kilaar, this being his only Sangam poem. Set in the ‘Kurinji’ landscape of mountain country, the poem speaks in the voice of the lady’s confidante, conveying a subtle message to the man about the impending changes in their love life.

Natrinai 56 – Pain of parting

In this episode, we relish the unique perspective on inner life depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 56, written by Peruvaluthi. The verse is set in the ‘Paalai’ landscape or the drylands and revolves around the theme of separation. Speaking in the voice of the lady to her confidante, it expresses the anguish the lady feels on parting with her man.

Natrinai 55 – Fire of reasoning

In this episode, we marvel at the nuanced perception depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 55, written by Peruvaluthi. Set in the ‘Kurinji’ landscape or the mountains, the poem speaks in the words of the lady’s confidante to the man, describing a recent, stressful incident at home.

Natrinai 54 – Evening of yearning

In this episode, we perceive the depths in the inner and outer life depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 54, written by Senthankannanaar. The verse is set in the ‘Neythal’ landscape or the coastal regions and speaks in the lamenting voice of the lady to a sea bird, bidding it to be a messenger of love.

Natrinai 53 – River of healing

In this episode, we are rejuvenated by the new rains depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 53, written by Nalvettanaar. Set in the mountain country of ‘Kurinji’, the poem speaks in the voice of the lady’s confidante to the lady, intending to convey a message to the man listening nearby.

Natrinai 52 – A resolute refusal

In this episode, we understand the devotion and determination depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 52, written by Paalathanaar, this being the only song penned by the poet. Set in the ‘Paalai’ landscape or the drylands, it revolves around the dilemmas in separation and speaks in the voice of the man to his heart.

Natrinai 51 – An inconvenient shower

In this episode, we get drenched in the inner life depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 51, written by Peraalavaayar, a poet from the ‘Aalavaai’ region of ancient Madurai. This poem is set in the ‘Kurinji’ landscape or the mountainous regions and speaks in the anguished voice of the lady to her confidante, as the man listens nearby.

Natrinai 50 – A perceptive pardon

In this episode, we become acquainted with the social customs depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 50, written by ‘Marutham paadiya Ilangkandungko’. The poem is set in the ‘Marutham’ landscape or the agricultural lands and dwells on the theme of ‘love-quarrel’ between the man and his lady. It speaks in the voice of the lady’s confidante to the singer-messenger, refusing him entry to the lady’s house, as the man listens nearby.

Natrinai 49 – A together fragrance

In this episode, we walk by the shore of Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 49, written by Neythal Thathanaar. True to the name of the poet, the poem is set in the ‘Neythal’ landscape or the coastal regions and speaks in the voice of the lady’s confidante to the lady, lamenting about the situation at hand.

Natrinai 48 – Discerning courage and kindness

In this episode, we appreciate the layers of meaning stitched in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 48, written by Perunkadunko, a poet-king belonging to the Chera dynasty. Being the favoured domain of this poet, the poem is set in the ‘Paalai’ landscape or the drylands, in the words of the lady’s confidante to the man, recollecting events of the past.

Natrinai 47 – Reading illness and wellness

In this episode, we appreciate the vision of the ancients in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 47, written by Nalvelliyaar, a female poet we met 40 songs ago. The poem is set in the ‘Kurinji’ landscape or the mountainous regions and speaks in the voice of the lady’s confidante to the lady, as the man listens nearby.

Natrinai 46 – Balancing joy and ambition

In this episode, we appreciate the philosophy reflected in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 46, written by an anonymous poet. It’s set in the ‘Paalai’ landscape or the drylands and revolves around the theme of separation. The poem is expressed in the words of the lady’s confidante to the man, on hearing about his intention to part away, seeking wealth.

Natrinai 45 – Seeing the black and white

In this episode, we perceive the societal differences depicted in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 45, penned by an anonymous poet, set in the ‘Neythal’ landscape or the coastal regions. The verse speaks in the words of the lady’s confidante to the man, explaining the reasons why he’s unsuitable to be the lady’s companion.

Natrinai 44 – Rainclouds and Reasoning

In this episode, we visit the lands and people portrayed in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 44, written by Perunkousikanaar, set in the lush mountain country of ‘Kurinji’. The poem is expressed in the words of the man to his heart, perceiving the reality of the situation concerning his lady.

Natrinai 43 – Sieges and Sadness

In this episode, we explore the life depicted in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 43, written by Eyinanthaiyaar, set in the ‘Paalai’ landscape or the drylands. The poem speaks in the words of the lady’s confidante to the man, informing him about his lady’s state of mind, as he prepares to depart.

Natrinai 42 – Reminiscence and Reunion

In this episode, we gaze with awe at the story that unfolds in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 42, written by Kudavayil Keerathanaar, set in the ‘Mullai’ landscape or the forest regions. This poem is expressed in the words of the man to his charioteer, sharing an anecdote about a prior moment of joy.

Natrinai 41 – Smoke and Sand

In this episode, we understand the lifestyle of men and women as depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 41, written by Ilanthevanaar. The poem is set in the ‘Paalai’ landscape or the drylands, speaking in the voice of the lady’s confidante to the lady, consoling the lady as she suffers from the pain of separation.

Natrinai 40 – Born to a culture

In this episode, we understand the cultural traditions depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 40, written by Konma Nedunkottanaar, this being the only poem penned by this poet in all of Sangam literature. The verse unfolds in the ‘Marutham’ landscape or the agricultural regions and is said in the words of the man’s mistress, with the intention of it being heard by the lady’s friends.

Natrinai 39 – Love like a war

In this episode, we relish the emotions and imagery depicted in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 39, written by Maruthan Ilanaakanaar, set in the lush ‘Kurinji’ landscape or the mountainous regions. The words are said by the man to the lady, expressing those fervent feelings on beholding his love.

Natrinai 38 – Reflecting the inner light

In this episode, we empathise with the inner life depicted in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 38, written by Ulochanar, set in the ‘Neythal’ landscape or the coastal regions. The verse speaks in the voice of the lady, replying to her confidante about the shades of her mind.

Natrinai 37 – Together in all weather

In this episode, we perceive the life depicted in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 37, written by Peri Saathanaar, set in the ‘Paalai’ landscape or the drylands. The verse talks in the words of the lady’s confidante to the man, warning of the distress looming in the horizon of the lady’s mind.

Natrinai 36 – Words’ swords

In this episode, we relish the poetic imagery depicted in Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 36, written by Seethalai Saathanaar. He’s a namesake and not the same person as the writer of the famous Tamil epic ‘Manimekalai’. This poem is set in the ‘Kurinji’ or the mountainous regions, and is expressed in the words of the lady’s confidante to the lady, indirectly conveying the state of affairs to the man, who’s listening nearby.

Natrinai 35 – Love’s embrace

In this episode, we fly by an ancient shore depicted in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 35, written by Ammovanaar. The poem is set in the ‘Neythal’ landscape or the coastal regions, in the words of the lady’s confidante to the man, probing the reasons for the dimness in the lady’s eyes.

Natrinai 34 – God’s ignorance

In this episode, we relish the dance of the divine in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 34, written by Piramasaari. It’s set in the lush mountain landscape of ‘Kurinji’ and expressed in the words of the lady’s confidante to God Muruga, conveying a truth to all mortals concerned.

Natrinai 33 – Drylands’ streams

In this episode, we empathise with the inner life depicted in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 33, written by Ilavettanaar, set in the ‘Paalai’ landscape or the drylands, featuring the theme of separation. The verse is expressed in the words of the lady’s confidante to the man, conveying the sadness in the lady’s heart.

Natrinai 30 – A harp’s song

In this episode, we hear the echoes of the past in Sangam literary work, Natrinai 30, written by Kotranaar, set in the landscape of ‘Marutham’ or the agricultural regions. This poem is a reply by the lady’s confidante to the man, revealing his actions to the lady that he was attempting to hide.

Natrinai 29 – A mother’s voice

In this episode, we appreciate the inner life depicted in Sangam literary work Natrinai 29, written by Poothanaar. This is the only recovered poem penned by this poet in all of Sangam literature. The landscape is ‘Paalai’ or the drylands, and the poem is expressed in the words of the lady’s mother, hearing news of her daughter’s elopement.

Natrinai 25 – A bee’s blossoms many

In this episode, we savour the sweetness of Sangam literary work Natrinai 25, written by Peri Saathanaar, set in the ‘Kurinji’ landscape or the mountainous regions, in the words of the lady’s confidante to the lady about an event that transpired the previous day.

Natrinai 24 – Fly towards your dream

In this episode, we marvel at the maturity of love, engrained in Tamil Sangam Literary Work, Natrinai 24, written by Kannathanaar, set in the ‘Paalai’ or the drylands, in the words of the lady to her confidante, when informed about her man’s departure.

Natrinai 23 – Hide from the world’s gaze

In this episode, we travel to the past with Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 23, written by Kanakaayanaar, set in the ‘Kurinji’ landscape or the mountainous regions. These words are said by the lady’s confidante to the lady’s man, conveying the lady’s state of mind and situation.

Natrinai 21 – Hurry and take me home

In this episode, we take a trot through Sangam Literary work, Natrinai Poem 21, written by Maruthan Ilanaakanaar. In our explorations so far through ancient Tamil land, this is our first encounter with the lush, rain-soaked ‘Mullai’ or the forest regions. This poem is also unique in that we have a scene for the first time, involving two men, a man and his charioteer.

Natrinai 20 – Grace in the time of grief

In this episode, we observe the inner life depicted in Tamil Sangam Literary work, Natrinai 20, written by Orambokiyar, a poet who specialises in the ‘Marutham’ landscape or the farmland regions of ancient Tamil land. The focus of Marutham poems is on the love-quarrel between a man and his lady. This particular poem is expressed in the words of a lady to her man, disagreeing with his remark.

Natrinai 19 – Fragrance of a festival

In this episode, we relish the scent of Sangam Literary work, Natrinai Poem 19, written by Nakkannaiyaar, a female poet from two thousand years ago. This imagery-rich poem is set in the ‘Neythal’ or the coastal regions, in the words of the lady’s confidante to the lady’s man, who seems to be departing to his village.

Natrinai 18 – Pain and a king’s praise

In this episode, we explore the Tamil Sangam Literary work Natrinai Poem 18, written by Poikaiyaar, who has penned three poems in all of Sangam literature. The other two are in the domain of ‘Puram’ or the outer sphere of life, which speaks about the life and values of a particular person, a Chera king in this case. We see traces of his ‘Puram’ focus even in this ‘Akam’ or the inner-sphere universal poem, set in the ‘Paalai’ or the dryland landscape, in the consoling words of the lady’s confidante to the lady.

Natrinai 17 – Rain in the skies and eyes

In this episode, we are showered with the sensory rain of Tamil Sangam Literary Work, Natrinai Poem 17 written by Nochi Niyamankilaar, set in the luscious mountain landscape of ‘Kurinji’, in the words of the lady to her confidante, describing a precarious situation she recently found herself in.

Natrinai 16 – An unfading clarity of thought

In this episode, we observe and absorb the philosophy reflected in Tamil Sangam Literary Work Natrinai Poem 16, written by Siraikkudi Anthaiyaar, set in the ‘Paalai’ landscape or the dryland region, revolving around the theme of separation. This verse is expressed in the words of a man, conveying a conclusion to his heart.

Natrinai 15 – A fluttering wave of desire

In this episode, we explore the Tamil Sangam Literary work Natrinai 15, written by the Pandya king Arivudai Nambi, set in the ‘Neythal’ landscape or the coastal regions. This verse is in the words of the lady’s confidante to the lady’s man, urging him indirectly to formalise his relationship with the lady.

Natrinai 14 – An echoing note of hope

In this episode, we witness the fascinating world of Tamil Sangam Literary Work, Natrinai Poem 14, written by Mamoolanar, a historian-poet. This verse is set in the ‘Paalai’ or the dryland regions, in the words of the lady to the lady’s confidante about her man, who has parted away from her.

Natrinai 13 – A knowing song by the hillside

In this episode, we take in the lush scenes of Tamil Sangam Literary work, Natrinai Poem 13, written by the proficient Kabilar. This verse is set in the landscape of ‘Kurinji’ or the mountainous region, in the words of the lady’s confidante to the lady, portraying a subtle understanding of the lady’s situation.

Natrinai 12 – A poignant pause at dawn

In this episode, we sense the fragrance and feeling in Sangam literary work Natrinai Poem 12. This poem has been written by Kayamanar, set in the ‘Paalai’ or the desert, dryland region of ancient Tamil land, in the words of the lady’s confidante to the lady’s man, painting a picture of the lady’s state of mind.

Natrinai 10 – Trusted word and lasting love

In this episode, we dive into the Tamil Sangam Literary work Natrinai Poem 10. This poem has been penned by an anonymous poet, set in the ‘Paalai’ region, or the desert, dryland landscape of ancient Tamil lands, in the wise words of the lady’s friend to her friend’s man.

Natrinai 9 – Fulfilled wish and fruitful path

In this episode, we continue our exploration of Tamil Sangam Literary work, Natrinai and traverse through Poem 9, written by Perunkadunko. Perunkadunko was a Chera King who has lent his poetic expertise to many Sangam poems, set in the ‘Paalai’ or the desert, dryland region. This poem is in the words of a man to his lady, as they look together at the path ahead.

Natrinai 7 – Changing skies and soaring spirit

In this episode, we will visit the wisdom engrained in Natrinai Poem 7, written by Nalvelliyaar, set in the ‘Paalai’ landscape or the dry-land region that features separation as its main theme. This poem feels special for this is the first time I’m relishing the work of a female poet of the Sangam Era. Reading the words of this woman from two thousand years ago fills me, a twenty-first century woman with awe and inspiration.

Natrinai 6 – Fervent lover and blooming flower

In this episode, we will get acquainted with Natrinai Poem 6, written by Paranar, who in his Sangam poems, talks of rulers of his time and in days before his time. He is therefore considered a ‘historian poet’. In this intimate poem set in the Kurinji landscape of mountainous regions, a man is speaking aloud to his heart, knowing that the lady’s confidante is hanging around nearby.

Natrinai 5 – Flourishing hills and friendly wind

In this episode, we shall get drenched in the downpour of Natrinai Poem 5, written by Perunkundroor Kizhaar, on the Kurinji landscape. As we have seen before, this pertains to the mountainous regions of ancient Tamil land. These words are spoken by the lady’s confidante to the lady, on the subject of her man’s parting away.

Natrinai 1 – Fragrant honey and fantastic trust

In this episode, we meet our first poem in our Sangam travels. Natrinai Poem 1, written by Kabilar, set in the landscape of ‘kurinji’ or the mountainous regions, in which a lady replies to her confidante, on the subject of her man’s intention to part away from her.

Copyright © 2019 Nandini Karky